A special hotel with a personal touch.
Welcome to the Parkhotel Gütersloh
The only 5 star hotel in Gütersloh is characterised by its attention to detail,
stylish ambience, warm staff and central location.
The Parkhotel is situated in the heart of Gütersloh and the metropolitan region of Ostwestfalen-Lippe, surrounded by its own private garden with old trees. For several decades now, our hotel has been the number one location for discerning business and leisure travellers who value the highest quality in customer service and gastronomy.
Our hotel is more than just a First Class Hotel with a delicate touch of understated luxury. It’s a place where guests and staff feel equally at home and where our connection to the region, its inhabitants and each individual guest can be felt wherever you go.
Parkhotel Gütersloh is your perfect host:
Latest news
We embellish the Parkhotel for you!
From January to June, we will be beautifying the rooms and corridors on the 2nd floor of the Parkhotel Gütersloh.
We will do our best every day to keep the disruptions as low as possible.
Your hosts at Parkhotel Gütersloh
Your stay at our hotel
Because every special moment has a personal touch.
Parkhotel Gütersloh has been treating its guests to special and personal experiences for the past 40 years. We’re very proud to live out our vision every day, which puts the well-being and individuality of our guests and staff at the centre of our work.
You can look forward to excellent hosts who display their professionalism, warmth and personal customer service every day, as well as 103 individual rooms and suites, first-class restaurants and bars, cozy relaxation area, Panorama Gym, personalised events and celebrations, and a magical private park.
Rooms & suites
Elegant & homely
Short breaks
Accommodation offers
at the Parkhotel Gütersloh
We invite you to let go and experience relaxation and enjoyment in its most beautiful form with our attractive offers and accommodation arrangements.
Be inspired for your vacation by our arrangements and short break offers – plan a relaxing break with maximum relaxation and special culinary moments of pleasure in the Teutoburg Forest.
Our reservations team will be happy to advise you on +49 5241 877 – 292 if you have any questions and will be happy to suggest a suitable offer for you and your family.
Restaurants & Bars
Genießen & erleben
Das Parkhotel Gütersloh bietet etwas für jeden kulinarischen Geschmack: zwei hervorragende Restaurants, eine Hotel Bar und eine einmalige Sommerterrasse im hauseigenen Garten, laden zum Essen und Trinken ein.
Culinary diversity at the Parkhotel Gütersloh
The Parkhotel offers a wide variety of regional and international cuisine in its first-class bars and restaurants in Gütersloh.
Enjoy one of the best breakfast buffets in the region, experience the traditional British afternoon tea in Gütersloh’s living room, our “Wohnhalle”, or treat yourself to cosmopolitan East Westphalian feel-good cuisine in the Bellini fine dining restaurant
surrounded by delicate Asian nuances.
The cozy ParkRestaurant – the parlor of the house, delights with Westphalian, down-to-earth cuisine and in the sunny months we spoil you in our pop-up summer restaurant in the beautiful private garden of the hotel with a summery light cuisine.
Preise & Informationen
- Bestpreis-Garantie
- Preisvorteil gegenüber Online-Buchungsplattformen und Reiseportalen
(mindestens 15,00 € pro Nacht sparen) - Eigener Kundenlogin
- Flexible Umbuchungs- und Stornierungsbedingungen
- Größere Auswahl an Zimmerkategorien
- Immer das beste verfügbare Zimmer in der gebuchten Zimmerkategorie
- Zusatzleistungen easy zubuchbar
- Exklusive Vorteilsangebote auf unserer Webseite
- Persönliche Ansprechpartner
Montag – Samstag: 06.30 – 10.30 Uhr
Sonn- und Feiertag: 07.30 – 10.30 Uhr
34,00 € / Person
Vorzugspreis Übernachtungsgäste: 29,00 € / Person
0 – 6 Jahre: kostenfrei
7 – 12 Jahre: 14,50 €
ab 13 Jahre: 34,00 €, Übernachtungsgäste: 29,00 €
3-Gang-Menü (nach Wahl des Küchenchefs)
39,00 € / Person und Tag
ab 15.00 Uhr am Anreisetag
bis 12.00 Uhr am Abreisetag
Late Check-Out (auf Anfrage und nach Verfügbarkeit)
ab 12.00 – 15.00 Uhr
15,00 € / Stunde
Early Check-In (auf Anfrage und nach Verfügbarkeit)
13.00 Uhr anstatt 15.00 Uhr
30,00 €
Übernachtung im Bett der Eltern:
bis 12 Jahre: kostenfrei
Übernachtung im Zimmer der Eltern:
0 – 6 Jahre: kostenfrei (Bereitstellung Baby- / Kinderbett)
7 – 12 Jahre: kostenfrei (Aufbettung / im Bett der Eltern)
ab 13 Jahre: 45,00 € / Nacht (Aufbettung)
45,00 € / Person und Nacht exkl. Frühstück
69,00 € / Person und Nacht inkl. Frühstück
Fitness: Täglich 24 h geöffnet
Entspannungsbereich (Sauna & Dampfbad): Täglich 24 h geöffnet
Hoteleigene Tiefgarage: 18,00 € / Tag
je angefangene 30 Minuten 1,00 €
E-Ladestation: 0,73 € / kWh
(vorherige Reservierung über die Rezeption empfohlen)
Öffentliches Parkhaus Kirchstraße: 8,00 € / Tag
Auf Wunsch:
18,00 € / Tag inkl. Parkgebühr
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir Ihren PKW bevorzugt im gegenüberliegenden, großzügigen öffentlichen Parkhaus Kirchstraße abstellen.
25,00 € / Hund und Nacht
Mit einem orthopädischen Hundebett in Größe L, einem Trink- und Futternapf der Firma HUNTER ©, bleiben garantiert keine Hundewünsche offen.
Ihre Lieblinge auf vier Pfoten sind in unserem Haus auch in den Restaurants & Bars herzlich willkommen.
Liebe Gäste, folgende kostenfreie Inklusivleistungen stehen Ihnen unabhängig von Ihrer gebuchten Zimmerkategorie zur Verfügung:
- Digitaler Gästeservice inkl. 7.000 kostenfreien Online Zeitungen & Magazinen
- Leseecken mit ausgewählter Literatur (Bertelsmann Verlagshäuser)
- Kuscheliger Bademantel & Slipper auf dem Zimmer
- SMEG Design Minibar (unbefüllt) auf Wunsch
- Weckservice
- Gepäckservice
Genießer Frühstück
Unser Frühstücksbuffet für Genießer bietet vieles was Ihr Frühstücksherz sicher höher schlagen lässt. Freuen Sie sich zum Beispiel auf eine große Brot- und Brötchenauswahl vom regionalen Bäcker, frisches Obst, unseren hauseigenen Honig, frisch vor Ihren Augen zubereitete Eierspeisen, herrlich duftende Waffeln, glutenfreie und vegane Komponenten, hausgemachte Smoothies, frisch gepressten Orangensaft, exzellente Tee- & Kaffeespezialtäten sowie unse-ren herzlichen und persönlichen Parkhotel Service.
34,00 € / Person
Vorzugspreis Übernachtungsgäste: 29,00 € / Person
Montag bis Samstag: 06.30 – 10.30 Uhr
Sonn- und Feiertag: 07.30 – 10.30 Uhr
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Tischreservierung unter
+49 5241 877 – 0.
Meetings & events
Personalised conferences & celebrations
Im Parkhotel Gütersloh finden Sie exklusive
Veranstaltungsräume und den richtigen Rahmen für
Ihre Feste zum Feiern.
Gym, sauna and steam room
Active & relaxed
Relaxation area:
Recharge your batteries in our small but impressive relaxation area on the 1st floor. It’s definitely worth visiting the sauna or steam room.
Please note that the relaxation area will not be available from December 2023 until June 2024 due to renovation work. Alternatively, we recommend a visit to the Järve Sauna in Gütersloh. (Tickets are available at a reduced price at our hotel reception for a fee.)
Fitness above the rooftops of Gütersloh:
Our fitness room on the 4th floor is open 24 hours a day.
Prices & Information
- Best price guarantee
- Price advantage compared to online booking platforms and travel portals
(save at least 15,00 € per night) - Own customer login
- Flexible rebooking and cancellation conditions
- Larger selection of room categories
- Always the best available room in the booked room category
- Additional services can be booked easily
- Exclusive offers on our website
- Personal contact person
Monday – Saturday: 6.30 – 10.30 a.m.
Sunday & public holiday: 7.30 – 10.30 a.m.
34,00 € / person
Preferential price for overnight guests: 29,00 € / person
Children’s regulation:
0 – 6 years: free of charge
7 – 12 years: 14,50 €
from 13 years: 34,00 €, overnight guests: 29,00 €
3-course menu (at the choice of the chef)
39,00 € / person and day
from 3.00 p.m. on arrival day
until noon on departures day
Late check-out (on request and according to availability)
from noon until 3.00 p.m.
15,00 € / hour
Early check-in (on request and according to availability)
1 p.m. instead of 3 p.m.
30,00 €
Overnight stay in the parents’ bed:
up to 12 years: free of charge
Overnight stay in parents’ room:
0 – 6 years: free of charge (provision of baby / child cot)
7 – 12 years: free of charge (extra bedding / in parents’ bed)
from 13 years: 45,00 € / night (extra bedding)
45,00 € / person and night excl. breakfast
69,00 € / person and night incl. breakfast
Fitness: open 24 hours daily
Relaxtion area (sauna & steam bath): open 24 hours daily
Hotel underground parking: 18,00 € / day
per 30 minutes or part thereof 1,00 €
Electric charging station: 0,73 € / kWh
(Prior reservation via reception recommended)
Public car park Kirchstraße: 8,00 € / day
By request:
Valet parking
18,00 € / day including parking fee
Please note that we prefer to park your car in the spacious public car park “Kirchstraße ” opposite.
20,00 € / dog and night
With an orthopaedic dog bed in size L, a drinking and feeding bowl from HUNTER ©, no dog’s wishes are guaranteed to remain unfulfilled.
Your four-legged friends are also very welcome in our restaurants and bars.
Dear guests, the following free inclusive services are available to you regardless of the room category you have booked:
• Digital guest service including 7,000 free online newspapers and magazines
• Reading corners with selected literature (Bertelsmann publishing houses)
• Cozy bathrobe & slippers in the room
• SMEG design minibar (unfilled) on request
• Wake-up service
• Luggage service
• Wi-Fi
Parkhotel-Cuddly Bear*
by Sigikid
A truly unique item – designed and manufactured exclusively by Sigikid according to our wishes, you simply have to love cuddling this little hand-stitched fellow from the “Oh Good!” line from Sigikid simply has to be cuddled.
Size 22 cm I Limited edition
Price: 29,90 EUR
*Available exclusively at our hotel reception.